The PRINTmaster series is a new developed Printing machine for decorating cylindrical bodies with up to 9 colours.
The print technology used is the so called «Dry-offset» process as a traditional print technology. This will be used for the start of the PRINTmaster series project with the
target to offer top class print quality at reasonable price level to replace old equipment in existing lines.
Future extension of the series will go into UV printing and digital printing equipments.
MG.SERVE.TEC has designed the complete machine from the ground as well as manufacturing, assembly, startup and test run it before installation at customer site.
The lineup also includes the new LACQUER and VARNISHmaster as well as the drying ovens.
The SPRAYmaster is a new developed Internal coating system for cylindrical bodies like cans or tubes.
The spray-technology is well known in the industry. The key-point on this equipment is to
keep the machine clean and easy to maintain and operate. Therefore the main focus are smart solutions to keep it simple, clean and easy to access for the operator.
First machines has been sold to customer and will be delivered and installed within first half of 2023.
The CANinspector series is available in two configurations with 8 or 12 station.
The machine is placed at the end of an Aerosol can production line before the
packing process to make sure no defect products are delivered to the filling process.
Camera systems are 3rd party item but integrated by MG.SERVE.TEC. The configuration is customised based on customer needs and available space.
First machines has been sold to customers and ready to deliver within 2022.